Realize Reports Release Notes
Release 24.12.10 - December 10, 2024
Feature Enhancements
New Screener and Diagnostic Assessment Drilldown Report
The Momentum Screener & Diagnostic Assessments dashboard now provides administrators with the ability to drill-in to most visualizations on the dashboard to see the list of students who make up each data point. Administrators can further expand or refine their results from there using filters and search as well as export the raw data for further analysis.
Release 24.7.11 - July 18, 2024
Feature Enhancements
eText Enhancements
In Realize, all eTexts open directly within the platform. When interacting with the book's Table of Contents, users are no longer prompted to open Realize Reader. They still have the ability to open the book in Realize Reader for a full experience.
Release 24.8.5 - August 8, 2024
Feature Enhancements
New Dyslexia Screener Dashboard & Drilldown Report
Administrators in districts with access to the Momentum Dyslexia Screener Assessments have a new dashboard to review usage and performance data. The visualizations provide a user-friendly interface to review the number of students who have or have not completed assessments, and their assessment results by grade and by school.
The Momentum Dyslexia Screener dashboard also provides administrators with the ability to drill-in to any visualization on the dashboard to see the list of students who make up each data point. Administrators can further expand or refine their results from there using filters and search as well as export the raw data for further analysis.
Release 24.7.6 - July 11, 2024
Feature Enhancements
Usability and Performance Improvements
Report Filter Enhancements
In report filtering, district and school administrators will benefit from a streamlined set of Date filter options, minimizing the chance of ambiguous report outcomes. Additionally, the filters' design has been enhanced to facilitate a clearer comprehension of the data encompassed in the report.
Consolidated Reports with Export formats
Instead of having separate reports for UI-friendly and "raw data" formats, we have merged the 'for Export' report formats with their corresponding UI-friendly versions. To access the "raw data" format, you can use the Send or Schedule function within the UI-friendly report to download the CSV file.
Updates to Send & Schedule Workflows
Transferring data to Google Drive or configuring a scheduled report for Google Drive has been simplified with the Google Drive file picker. Additionally, the form for scheduling has been enhanced to offer clearer insights into the data included in the scheduled report.
Release 24.3.10 - March 21, 2024
Feature Enhancements
New Realize Overview Dashboard
District and school administrators have a new and improved dashboard to view key organization-wide usage and performance metrics. With this new dashboard, administrators can review teacher and student engagement across their organization as well as by school. They can also review org-wide student progress towards standards proficiency by curriculum program.
Release 23.11.13 - November 22, 2023
Feature Enhancements
Screener and Diagnostic Assessment Dashboard Updates
District administrators with access to Screener and Diagnostic Assessments have new updates to improve how data is organized in the dashboards. This makes it easier to compare assessment results, especially for customers with access to middle- and end-of-year assessments.
Administrators can now see on-grade and below-grade beginning-of-year diagnostic results side by side, as well as segment the diagnostic results by beginning-, middle-, and end-of-year assessments.
Release 23.9.12 - September 22, 2023
Feature Enhancements
New Growth Dashboards
Administrators in districts with access to MSDA Growth products have two new additions to their Screener and Diagnostic Assessment dashboards to visualize the change in student performance across the school year. These visualizations provide a user-friendly interface that aligns with equivalent reports in Realize that teachers have access to.
Release 23.8.4 - August 07, 2023
Feature Enhancements
New Screener & Diagnostic Dashboards
Administrators in districts with access to the Math or Literacy Screener and Diagnostic Assessments have a new and improved set of dashboards to review Screener and Diagnostic Assessment usage and performance data. The updated visualizations provide a more user-friendly interface closely tied to the equivalent reports teachers have access to in Realize.
Release 22.9.4 - October 13, 2022
Feature Enhancements
New Dashboard
Our MSDA and LSDA users will now be able to access a new dashboard, Screener & Diagnostic Assessments, which presents high-level usage and performance overviews.
Enhanced User Experience
Our MSDA and LSDA users will now find a horizontal filter layout, where choices are dependent from left to right.
Additional Dashboard Updates
A new feature Load and Save Filter has been added to the dashboards. The Send and Schedule feature is no longer part of our dashboards as this data can be better extracted from the existing reports.
Release 22.8.0 - August 25, 2022
Feature Enhancement
New Assessment Report
The Admin-Customized Assessment report provides data on assessments created and pushed through the admin-custom assessment tool in Realize. By delivering these assessments, a district can ensure a common data set and easily schedule this report to grab extensive data.
Release 22.5.2 - June 02, 2022
Feature Enhancement
Additional features in Google integration
Realize Reports users will now be able to organize Google Drive integration in alpha-numeric order and also perform type-ahead search.
Release 22.3.0 - April 01, 2022
Feature Enhancement
Google integration with Send and Schedule features
Realize Reports users will now be able to send and schedule reports to be delivered to their Google Drive. Reports delivered via Google Drive will not have a size limit.
Release 21.11.0 - November 18, 2021
Feature Enhancements
Additional columns in reports
For the following reports, we have added two new columns Assessment (assessment name) and Submit Date (the date the student submitted the assessment):
Item Detail Percentage Scores for Export
Item Details Raw Scores for Export
Multi-Stage Diagnostic for Export
For the following reports, we have added the new column Submit Date (the date the student submitted the assessment):
Assessment Scores
Assessment Scores for Export
Item Detail Percentage Scores
Item Details Raw Scores
Multi-Stage Diagnostic
Student Usage by Program report changes
We have updated the calculation of Active Days on the Student Usage by Program report for the Program, School, and Class roll ups. It now reflects an average number of days (previously, it was the number of days during the filtered period in which a minimum of one user within the group was active).
Update to user reporting
We have enhanced user reporting so that events like new user creation and user updates are now available in near time.
Resolved Issue
Our enhancement to user event reporting and another internal fix have resolved an issue where Realize Reports was not always receiving EdCloud user update events.
Release 21.7.7 - August 20, 2021
Feature Enhancement
Teacher identified in reports
The logic that determines a class's teacher as listed in Realize Reports has been updated in instances where there is more than one teacher associated with the class. Realize Reports now relies on information provided as part of a district's integration with EasyBridge. If the district has identified a Teacher of Record, that teacher is listed. If there are no listings or multiple listings for the Teacher of Record, the Lead Teacher designation is used. If this information is inconclusive, the first teacher assigned to the class is used.
Release 21.7.0 - July 29, 2021
Feature Enhancements
Multi-Stage Diagnostic reports
New Multi-Stage Diagnostic and Multi-Stage Diagnostic for Export reports are now available for organizations subscribed to the Savvas Math Screener and Diagnostic Assessments (MSDA).

Feature Enhancements
Cumulative Standards Scores report changes
We have updated previously single-select Assessment filters to multi-select Assessments filters in the following reports:
Cumulative Standards Scores by School
Cumulative Standards Scores by Standard
Cumulative Standards Scores by Standard for Export
Standards Scores report changes
We have updated previously single-select filters to multi-select Standards Sets, Assessments, and Students filters in the following reports:
Standards Scores by Student
Standards Scores by Standard
Addition of Raw and Max scores
For these reports we added Raw and Max scores to give administrators additional visibility of points:
Assessment Scores for Export
Item Details for Raw Scores
Item Details Raw Scores for Export
Item Details report changes
In the following reports, we have updated how we handle the total score for assessments, that have both auto-scored and manual items, when the report is run before manually-scored items have been scored. Now, administrators will see a null total score (previously no score was listed):
Item Details Percentage Scores
Item Details Raw Scores
Item Details Percentage Scores for Export
Item Details Raw Scores for Export
Resolved Issue
Alignment of standards framework to Realize
We have enhanced the Realize Reports standards framework to mirror that of Realize, ensuring more consistent reporting between Realize and Realize Reports.

Feature Enhancements
New Sent Reports page
Realize Reports customers can now access a Sent Reports page to review any reports they've sent within the past 30 days. This includes the report name, type, date/time sent, filters applied, recipients, method used (Send/Schedule), and the status (Pending/Complete/Error). Additionally, some smaller enhancements were made to establish consistency throughout Realize Reports.
To view sent reports, simply select the Manage menu, and select Sent Reports.
Additional columns and Filters in reports
Additional Filters are now included in many reports to allow customers to further narrow the scope and focus within their specific slice of data. Report filters are further enhanced with a standardized order and type (multi-select v. single-select where appropriate). New columns are included in the Logins by Students and Teachers report to provide additional student data, and a new School column is included in the Student Usage by Class report.

Feature Enhancements
Adjust Filters on scheduled reports
When managing schedules, Realize Reports customers can now edit filter sets for scheduled reports by simply selecting the Filters (Edit) button when editing a schedule.
Improved Reports menu navigation
A quick access reports menu displays after selecting Reports on the top menu bar, replacing the Reports page.

Feature Enhancements
Advanced Filter options for reports
Realize Reports customers can now save a set of filters on a report to reuse at a later time.
After choosing filter options and running a report, select the new
(Filter) icon, type a unique filter name, and then select Save.
To reuse a saved filter set, after choosing your report, simply select the
(Filter) icon, and select Load Filter.
Navigation changes
The Schedules page is now found in the new Manage menu. Here you can also find the new Saved Filters page, which houses all of your saved filter sets. View, edit, or delete your filter sets from this page.

Feature Enhancement
Encrypted Data Emails
Realize Reports now uses secure email encryption to ensure school and student data is protected. When you email report data, recipients will be asked to confirm their identify before they can access and download the decrypted data.
Last Updated: July 06, 2022